Thursday, September 24, 2009

At last

Wow, it's been a while since the last post! We took Fenix to North Carolina in the 1st weekend of September, which was fun but somewhat difficult (naps on the road, you know). Then we all got sick, and have been for quite a while. Baby is finishing week 2 of the pink antibiotic stuff, and is feeling better. I have been traveling a ton for work, a trip each week, one night and two days away from home, and I HATE it. I miss the baby.

But I'm back! And while I haven't seen it, due to being out of town again, I hear that the baby has taken several successful steps!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Baby is determined to stand, and perhaps to walk someday. He climbs up our legs, then stands for 2 seconds, then sits or leans again. He walks quite well while holding onto things. He wants to stand very much! He also wants to get into everything, and sees that standing will allow far greater access to the forbidden stuff.

He said "Hi, Da" yesterday morning, with much coaching.

He does not like having his teeth brushed.

He does not like food anymore. Well, that's an exaggeration. He eats maybe half as much as before, though. Yesterday, though, once we sat him down for dinner, he crammed as much fruit in as possible. He stuffed enough watermelon into his mouth that he gagged and spit a bunch out. He ate a little cottage, and a little rice. He picked up one black bean, put it in his mouth, picked up another, and while the other was moving towards his mouth, spit out the first bean and dropped both on the floor.

When bath time is over, in his opinion, he now stands up and tries to climb out. Luckily the baby tub has firm footing. Once we switch over to the big tub, this might be a bit more slippery!

He likes to throw his little wooden blocks.