Thursday, September 24, 2009

At last

Wow, it's been a while since the last post! We took Fenix to North Carolina in the 1st weekend of September, which was fun but somewhat difficult (naps on the road, you know). Then we all got sick, and have been for quite a while. Baby is finishing week 2 of the pink antibiotic stuff, and is feeling better. I have been traveling a ton for work, a trip each week, one night and two days away from home, and I HATE it. I miss the baby.

But I'm back! And while I haven't seen it, due to being out of town again, I hear that the baby has taken several successful steps!

1 comment:

  1. Ah the pink stuff. I loved that stuff.

    I am getting a flu shot next week... I hope it's in time. People have been dropping like flies around here after the PAX convention in Seattle.
