Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sad sad baby

He came down with an ear infection on Friday. Daycare called, said you need to come get him, he's got a fever and isn't feeling well. So we get a doctor's appointment. Waiting in the waiting room we're fine for about 20 minutes, but 20 minutes more, and he's freaking out. Desperately wants to get out of the 10'x10' square we've been in for the last 40 minutes. Finally get back to the room, and wait another 45 minutes there. The entire time, if I am not walking in circles with him in my arms, he is screaming NO NO NO NO! And then, AT LAST, the doctor arrives.

She takes one look in his ear and says "Yeah, that's infected." Then the other ear - fine. The throat - infected. Here's an antibiotic, tylenol or motrin for pain and fever, come back in 2 weeks to confirm his ear is improved. Bye!!!

I waited 1.5 hours for 5 minutes of doctor time. I hate the doctor.

So then we go home, and he's still pretty cranky and basically inconsolable. But now I'm exhausted too, and can barely cope. So dad takes over for a bit, we put him to bed early, he conveniently wakes just after the pharmacy lets us pick up the prescription, so we can change him and drug him and put him back to sleep.

Saturday - sleeps off and on most of the day. We cannot leave the house, as the baby is quite ill. Hot hot hot! Pretty pitiful in fact. Not much appetite, but drinks plenty of juice. You can tell he's feeling bad, because whenever his ear hurts, he sits and yells "NO NO NO" over and over, and swats at his sore ear.

Sunday - thought he was better! Fever gone, appetite returns, anger lessens. But daylight savings time and parental optimism lead to melting down at the grocery store. Time to go home and rest again, baby!

Monday - still very touchy. The tiniest thing causes a tantrum. He is clearly not feeling great. I stayed home with him. Extra nap in the morning - 2 hours rather than 1. Went for a walk in the afternoon. Curious, happy, inquisitive, though still irritable.

Tuesday - slept through the night!!! Must be better. Back to daycare, where everything was fine, though there were a few rough patches.

Wednesday - much much better.


  1. how pitiful!
    but how cute that you dress your boys to match. ;)

  2. I just found the shirt; dad's the driver on dressing the same. He loves it.

  3. lol. thanks for the congrats. no kidding it's a big difference... 4 weeks ago it looked like someone blew a boogie in my uterus, and now it appears to have grown limbs. i hope you're feeling swell! (ha! a pun!)

  4. i'm glad he's better now. ear infections are the worst :(

  5. how're you guys doing? can't wait to see you soon.
