Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good morning, 9-month old boy

We love the baby. He is a nice boy. He giggles in the morning and tries to eat my telephone. He kicks his legs and thrashes his arms and says "ney ney ney" with his little baby voice. It is so sweet.

He eats lots of things now: pears, applesauce, yogurt, cottage cheese (sometimes yes, sometimes no), cream cheese (does not like it), watermelon, canteloupe, strawberries, grapes (not sure about these yet), cereal (rice, oatmeal), cheerios (loves to pick them up with tiny fingers), black beans, white beans, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, carrots (not a favorite), rice, banana (eats half at a time, very efficient and funny). Possibly one or two more things I'm forgetting now. Plan to add peaches, and broccoli this week.

Rolling over, climbing off the couch onto cushions, downward-facing dog, crawling with legs down, i.e. more creeping or "commando crawling" than proper crawling, but he's working on it. When he wakes up he scoots himself into a corner, and hasn't yet realized the potential to climb the walls of the crib. I go to pick him up out of bed, and he pulls himself up with my help, half-stands, half-teeters, then clings like a baby monkey as we walk to the bedroom for breakfast milk.

We shower together, though he's getting a little too strong for that, trying to escape. He enjoys baths, though spends 90% of the time grasping frantically for his tiny bath turtle so he can jam it in his mouth and chew. Splashing also is a favorite. I waited and waited for splashing, when we used to bathe him in the tub, and thought "someday he will splash and it will be cute and darling" and it IS, but it is also very wet.

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