Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Baby progress

Two teeth recently sprouted on top. They appear crooked now; I bet they straighten out over time.

This morning, rather than daredevilishly climbing all over the kitchen, he played happily with a small acorn squash, and the whisk attachment to my stand mixer. He was mad when we started to eat cereal without him, so I got him some applesauce and oatmeal cereal and sat him down with us. He made funny little cute baby faces almost the whole meal.

Sleeping has become more regular, down around 8, up at 5. I suspect he should sleep a little longer, but he doesn't seem to wind down until 7-7:30. I still want to nurse him at night, but at the same time think he needs to go to bed without that "sleep crutch" sometimes, too. What to do!

He is paying more attention to toys now, somehow. The new favorites are a little siamese cat and a chocolate lab toy that his cousins provided over the weekend. He likes it when we make dog and cat noises to go along with the toy, though both C and I need to work on our "purring" noises, as they are sub-par. He seems like he's trying to say Meow Meow in response to our little meows.

Lunch today - beans and rice, avocado, sweet potato, some yellow zucchini (that he won't eat, in place of the cucumbers that he doesn't eat), cottage cheese, cheerios, strawberries, and a peach. MMMM.

I won't be heading home after work until after he's in bed, since my work team is having a celebratory dinner tonight. I will miss baby. I hope he does OK with dad; he always does, so there's no call to worry!

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