Friday, June 26, 2009


Darn, we should've taken a picture. We gave the baby toast this morning, with apparently no ill effects. Thus, wheat might be considered safe. Wheat, one of the cornerstones of today's American diet. A BIG STEP towards eating what everyone else eats. Pasta, bread, cake, etc. Now the only remaining "allergic foods" are egg whites, citrus, and nuts. Baby is ON HIS WAY.

And cute! He looked at it for a while, not sure it was food. Curtis took a bite to show him. Then he nibbled a bit, and a bit more, and ate probably 3 sq. inches of it. And then discovered he could disintegrate it with his fingers, and crumbled a bit onto his lap. And ate a little more. I'm so pleased.

1 comment:

  1. Toast... one of my favorite foods, along with Waffles, Bagels and Croissants.
