Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sleep vs. Eat?

The past few days have been sort of tough for me. Baby is waking at least once a night, and there are a variety of possible reasons for this. Teething. Hungry. Developmental stuff - he's learning to crawl properly, getting beyond the "Military Crawl" he's been doing for ages. He wakes, we try to ignore so he goes back to sleep, then I get up and feed him for a half hour and he goes back to sleep. Sometimes I'm so asleep I forget about the "try to let him go back to sleep on his own" and just go get him. I don't know if I'm enabling poor sleep behavior, and using nursing as a "sleep crutch" or if I'm just doing what we need to do to get the baby and me all the sleep we possibly can, given all of the above.

Last night was to bed at 7ish, up at 1ish, back up at 5. That's not terrible. The night before, though, he was up at 11 and back to bed at 1, then sleep until 5:45. That doesn't SOUND worse, but it meant I got about 6 hours total. If I get less than 7, I start to lose functionality. I injured myself twice before getting to work yesterday - once on the fridge at home, once on the car in the parking lot. I knew that mentally I was unlikely to function well in critical thinking tasks, so I focused on easier, administrative-style things to do. My desk is the clearer for it. I think I am improved now, having gotten more than 7 hours last night.

I think baby does not get enough to eat during the day, but perhaps that's a mistake to think that. He gets bottles, plus a bit of solid food. He always finishes the cheerios we send, and the fruit. The vegetables, less so. The cottage cheese? never. I think that's because the first time she gave him the cheese, he didn't like it, and now she doesn't believe that he will eat it, and doesn't offer. He loves it at home, though. I also wonder if he doesn't get a ton of food during the day because she is busy busy busy with all the kids. Again, not sure if that's fair to say, since he does get bottles, and eats fruit and stuff, and probably does fine.

30 inches long, 20 pounds. Big boy!

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