Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cleveland and back

I went to Cleveland Mon-Tues., and returned at around 9 last night. Did not wake the baby, wanted him to sleep well. But this morning, when I picked him up out of the crib, he looked at me, said mama, and petted my face. His fingernails are long so it was a razorlike petting, but it was so sweet! Turns out while I was gone, Curtis taught him to stroke his cheek, while saying (C, not baby) "nice." So baby is trying to make nice.

This morning was buttered toast, and canteloupe. The toast was roasted garlic and monterrey jack bread, which surprisingly, baby is fine with. I gave him about 5 pieces of canteloupe, and he picked one up, took a bite, then moved on to the next one. He at the toast slowly and methodically, periodically exclaiming how much he liked it, scrunching up nose and eyes and smiling.

We gave him pizza on Sunday night for dinner. I think he may have even eaten a mushroom (on the pizza).

The top two teeth are about 2mm in now.

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