Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sick baby?

I have no idea how we're supposed to know sometimes that baby is sick, vs. just very grumpy. He's almost a year old, he's supposed to be grumpy! But over the weekend, I think he had what I now have; aching joints, a bit of nausea, headache, sore throat and tired. I should've gone home yesterday, and I stayed home today, to attempt to recover. Baby did not tell us, as he is a baby, that he had a headache or sore throat, and if he was tired? who can tell that apart from normal baby tiredness?

I think he's on the mend, but once again feel bad that we didn't know what was wrong. What could we have done? Given him tylenol to feel better, but we didn't think he had a fever. The first time this happened was with his first little teeth, and we didn't know he was teething (he drooled and chewed on things and fussed for probably 4 months) until the little teeth popped out. Oh little baby! We would've given you cold things to chew and oragel!

We'll all live, I'm sure (though dad is now coming down with same sickness). Moral of the story? More temperature taking, even if we don't THINK it's warranted. It's hard, though, to mentally justify anal temperature-taking if he is NOT sick. But I guess that's how we'll know.

Poor Baby!

1 comment:

  1. poor baby. ear-tugging and not eating are signs of ear and throat pains. also, like adults, babies can have tylenol as a pain reliever (i.e. not just a fever reducer).

    i hope you all feel better soon.

    <3 aunt b
