Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fun baby

The baby is recovered fully from being ill. I am 95% recovered, and I suspect Curtis is close as well. Curtis' parents are visiting this weekend, and we're having a nice time. Baby is fun, calm, hungry, happy. I am, too (or rather, was until I decided 28 Days Later was OK to watch, before I remembered it scares me). I look forward to hanging with the family tomorrow as well. I am going to Boston Mon-Tues, and hope that goes OK. Not sure how the pumping will go, as I think I might be getting another case of thrush. Just have to wait and see how it goes.

Pictures of baby to follow tomorrow.

Skill developments: baby was in big chair, crawled across a gap to the ottoman, then turned himself around so his feet would go first, and got down, with no trouble or falling. Slow, careful, effective. Good boy!

Eating: black olives with dinner - he liked them, which seems surprising somehow. Still a strawberry and canteloupe fiend. Bread remains tops. Cottage cheese loses steam but is still good (if no longer a staple). Need to push yogurt for a while to counter the thrush potential.

1 comment:

  1. i have waited patiently, but the tomorrow-pics have not yet arrived. please post the promised pictures.

    thank you!
    -aunt b.
