Friday, July 31, 2009


This morning, I got baby ready while Curtis showered, as is our wont, and then brought him to the shower to say hello before we went to the kitchen. As we left the room I told Fenix to say bye-bye to daddy and waved. The baby waved his little arm, and said "bah bah." Is that a proper "first word?" Or is that saved for more proper words like mama and dada and up and down and all that?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fun baby

The baby is recovered fully from being ill. I am 95% recovered, and I suspect Curtis is close as well. Curtis' parents are visiting this weekend, and we're having a nice time. Baby is fun, calm, hungry, happy. I am, too (or rather, was until I decided 28 Days Later was OK to watch, before I remembered it scares me). I look forward to hanging with the family tomorrow as well. I am going to Boston Mon-Tues, and hope that goes OK. Not sure how the pumping will go, as I think I might be getting another case of thrush. Just have to wait and see how it goes.

Pictures of baby to follow tomorrow.

Skill developments: baby was in big chair, crawled across a gap to the ottoman, then turned himself around so his feet would go first, and got down, with no trouble or falling. Slow, careful, effective. Good boy!

Eating: black olives with dinner - he liked them, which seems surprising somehow. Still a strawberry and canteloupe fiend. Bread remains tops. Cottage cheese loses steam but is still good (if no longer a staple). Need to push yogurt for a while to counter the thrush potential.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sick baby?

I have no idea how we're supposed to know sometimes that baby is sick, vs. just very grumpy. He's almost a year old, he's supposed to be grumpy! But over the weekend, I think he had what I now have; aching joints, a bit of nausea, headache, sore throat and tired. I should've gone home yesterday, and I stayed home today, to attempt to recover. Baby did not tell us, as he is a baby, that he had a headache or sore throat, and if he was tired? who can tell that apart from normal baby tiredness?

I think he's on the mend, but once again feel bad that we didn't know what was wrong. What could we have done? Given him tylenol to feel better, but we didn't think he had a fever. The first time this happened was with his first little teeth, and we didn't know he was teething (he drooled and chewed on things and fussed for probably 4 months) until the little teeth popped out. Oh little baby! We would've given you cold things to chew and oragel!

We'll all live, I'm sure (though dad is now coming down with same sickness). Moral of the story? More temperature taking, even if we don't THINK it's warranted. It's hard, though, to mentally justify anal temperature-taking if he is NOT sick. But I guess that's how we'll know.

Poor Baby!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bagels and HATE


I tried to trim his fingernails today because they are SO SHARP and he scratches me. He was NOT interested in the trimming and we fought over it until I got tired of it. I told C about the problem, and he asked if he could do it. Would it be "heroic" if he did it. I agreed that it definitely would, because I could not manage. We'll see if he gets it done haha.

Then fed him some bagel and canteloupe for breakfast. Big hit.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cleveland and back

I went to Cleveland Mon-Tues., and returned at around 9 last night. Did not wake the baby, wanted him to sleep well. But this morning, when I picked him up out of the crib, he looked at me, said mama, and petted my face. His fingernails are long so it was a razorlike petting, but it was so sweet! Turns out while I was gone, Curtis taught him to stroke his cheek, while saying (C, not baby) "nice." So baby is trying to make nice.

This morning was buttered toast, and canteloupe. The toast was roasted garlic and monterrey jack bread, which surprisingly, baby is fine with. I gave him about 5 pieces of canteloupe, and he picked one up, took a bite, then moved on to the next one. He at the toast slowly and methodically, periodically exclaiming how much he liked it, scrunching up nose and eyes and smiling.

We gave him pizza on Sunday night for dinner. I think he may have even eaten a mushroom (on the pizza).

The top two teeth are about 2mm in now.