Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Doctor's visit - 12 months

We had our VERY WORST doctor's visit EVER yesterday.

First of all, I thought his one year visit was going to be in late September, because by the time I called to schedule it, the doctor was booked until then. Oh wait! That's because we already had an appointment scheduled, for Monday at 9a.m.! They called me Friday to remind me! I was very surprised, but it worked out OK. Sort of. On Sunday I thought "why would we schedule an appointment at nap time? That seems bad" and I was So Right.

We got there at 8:45, went back almost immediately. Measured baby (32" tall, 18" head, 22 lbs; >95th%ile, 90th, and 40th, respectively), then stuck a bag to his groin to try to collect a urine sample. That is a strange strange system. Literally taped a bag to his groin. Waited a few minutes for the doctor, who checked him out, said everything was fine, made a suggestion or two, etc.

Time for vaccinations. OH NO. He used to cry briefly then stop, and act as if nothing had happened. Not this time. He cried and cried and cried, and cried a little more. I nursed him for maybe 4 minutes to calm him down, give him a smidgen of milk. Probably could've given more, in retrospect. It's probably 9:45 now, 45 mins past naptime. And then we got to wait for the lab, for a blood draw, a finger stick. The waiting was long. The baby hungry. And tired. Then we finally get into the lab, and they poke his finger and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze blood out of it until they have maybe 1mL (which is not that much, I know). But Fenix was so tired and angry and hungry, he did not care for this at all. SCREAMS and screams and screams and tears. We terrified all the other children!

Here's the funny part of all this - still no urine in the urine sample. He usually pees all the time, from what I guess, but the second they want a sample? Nope. None. For 1.5 hours.

Finally done, took him to the car, gave him a piece of bread (he ate maybe 2 nibbles before falling asleep), and things were ok.

And then I got to work, 5 minutes after I was supposed to call some doctor in Pittsburgh, which I didn't realize until an hour later. This mistake, plus the fact that I was up 1.5 hours the night before with an upset stomach, meant my day was miserable. I spent the whole day feeling guilty about the baby's shots, and hoping he wouldn't pull the bandaids off, eat them, and choke, AND just wanting to cry. It was pathetic. I sat in a meeting glazed and depressed. Went home a few minutes early. Once I saw that he was OK, I felt Much Better.

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