Monday, August 10, 2009


The baby can _almost_ say "tickle." He burbles now, and it sounds like talking. One of his favorite phrases is ollygollygollygollygullygully etc. I wish that there were a thing that was called a golly, because he's got that word DOWN! And oddly enough, if you flip it around a little, so it's llygol-llygoll-llygoll then it's pretty close to "tickle" which is what he says when we tickle him in the morning.

First blood wound yesterday; Fenix really wanted Curtis' laptop, and so C moved it away a bit. Baby fell and hit head on table. Then once more, Fenix wanted the laptop, so C moved it away, which baby did not expect, and so he fell a bit, and busted his lip a tiny bit. Poor baby! So upset!

He's actually been cranky for a few days. And those stubborn teeth are still not in (he has four, 2 on top, 2 on bottom, and 2 more on top trying very hard for days to come in. Soon, I hope!

Black olives. New favorite baby food. Never would've thought. Even kalamata olives. Baby also enjoyed a blueberry muffin this weekend, and some corn mash, black beans and rice at the Blue Mesa at Saturday night dinner. Oh, and spaghetti - proper spaghetti, long skinny noodles, not rotini or penne or what have you - was a revelation for him. He LOVED it, immediately.

He's making progress in holding his sippy cup. He holds it fairly well, drinks from it fairly well, but prefers dropping it on the floor to any other activity. Also, the cup is overactively non-spill, so when he drinks from it for a bit, all the air is sucked out, and no more liquid will come out without some devacuuming from parents. Actually, we THOUGHT he was drinking from it pretty well, until I put milk in it yesterday. Curtis suspects about half or more of the milk went down the baby's chest, rather than in his mouth. What a milky mess.

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